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I was wondering if I could get some advice. I'm feeling a bit lost and flustered. I'm currently back in school and came back home to Tulare to retake pre-reqs because they have expired. I haven't been able to get into PA school for the past couple of years. I find myself constantly trying to do what other PA students have done to get into PA school, such as scribing,emt  but I realize everyone comes from different backgrounds but I feel like I am not doing enough

I currently have around 4,000 hours of patient care experience as a float nursing assistant in the hospital, I got a new job at Kaweah as a scribe back home but they are having a hard time with my availability at Kaweah because of school so I don't know.

I'm also still traveling up north to Stanford children's to fulfill my relief for two shifts a month I with the company and with a scribe position It will be through an agency. Additionally, I have around 200 hours of volunteering at a Samaritan clinic. It's been a bit of a journey to get my stats up because I also help my mom care for my grandparents. I feel so anxious, trying to be Superwoman and doing too many things at once because I'm afraid I'm not doing enough for PA school, and the guilt eats me up. I'm so sorry for asking—I'm just feeling very lost and was wondering if you guys have any advice because I keep spinning in circles and overthinking . 

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Hey, I would have hoped this gained more traction as it was posted almost a week ago but I'll give you my $0.02.

To be honest, with how competitive PA cycles have become I would argue to get aggressive with your application especially since you have dedicated multiple years without success. Almost all of PA school applicants are EMTs, CNA/NA, PCTs/Techs, or scribes. With the applicant pool being filled with these prospective students, another EMT/CNA/scribe applicant soon become the average and being average doesn't cut it. 

Although expensive, I'd say exceed being average and obtain higher quality PCE and unfortunately, to obtain those positions, you'd have to acquire yet another degree. Don't do a nonpaying/low paying masters or a 2nd bachelors. For example, an accelerated RT, RN, or paramedicine program vs MS in biomedical science. When you graduate you'll be paid well and get to be a lot more hands-on than your average cna/tech/scribe. But, be prepared to spend tens of thousands of dollars. Go into the ICU or ED at a trauma center and play with all the bells and whistles because during the interview you can tell who was exposed to extremely ill patients.

For example; an RN in the ED/ICU initiating, titrating, and terminating vasoactive drips, recommending vent setting changes based on ABGs, managing IABPs, swans, TVPs, and being part of the code team etc is way more attractive than the scribe who understands writing a HPI and ordering and viewing (not interpreting) lab results. The experiences do not match up one bit. I for one, was on the PA track during my first undergrad and was not successful my first cycle and changed gears rather quickly because I accepted the competitiveness of PA admission and time waits for no one. Now, I'm on a different path but should I have attempted again after all these years as a RN with tremendous exposure it would have been easier vs 6 years ago when I was a medical assistant. Think about what you're willing to sacrifice, make a plan, and go from there.

Edited by DiggySRNA
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