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Post pance retake… and I’m losing my mind

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I took my retake yesterday and I and I’ve been feeling very anxious. During the exam I did flag maybe about like 10 to 15 each section some questions that I flagged I looked up and I got correct and the other ones I flagged was incorrect. I feel like I’ve just been a little bit nonfunctional since yesterday because I’m still eager to get my score. The first attempt I made a 346. And I really hope I made just enough to make a 350 or more. I am just writing so I can get some emotional support for those who failed the pance the first time and passed. Did you guys feel the same? is there a way to know if you passed before getting your score? I just hate being in this limbo. Thank you for listening 🙂

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Many people who take the PANCE leave feeling convinced that they failed.   Most of them actually passed.  There is no way to know if you passed before getting your score.  The wait shouldn't be too long - I think the grades are typically released the next week.  Look for an email from NCCPA.  It's difficult, but during the interval, try to focus on non-PA related things.

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It's very reasonable to be anxious given all you've gone through. Rather than distract yourself, delve deeper into why you're so anxious. Let yourself be concerned. Let yourself cry or be frustrated. See what comes up and let it out. You may notice there's more there than just passing a test. It'd be good practice to work on developing some healthy coping mechanisms now before you embark on a new chapter of your life. 

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