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PANRE-LA Removed and Replaced Questions

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I was recently with a FM physician friend of mine and his board does something very similar to the LA, except they have to answer questions every quarter indefinitely. No timer for questions, take as long as you want. We went through a dozen together for fun, they were like any other PANCE QBank question I've seen with all the same frustrations discussed here. But I loved that after answering you can comment on the question and see others comments. We spent WAY too much time laughing our heads off at all the complaints and arguments made for every question. It was a riot. 

ABFM isn't any better than NCCPA. I'm fact, I wonder if they don't collaborate on the questions....

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On 7/11/2024 at 4:53 PM, ventana said:

that light at the end of the tunnel is actually a train bearing down on you......  just saying careful what you wish for....

You're saying retirement/quitting medicine is a train bearing down? 

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