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I'm not the best with finances, but I know it's important to try to go to lower cost schools. However, I also don't know how much is too much. What's the cap in the amount we should be willing to pay for PA schools (including housing)? What makes sense? I definitely won't go over 200k, but I'd really like to go to a school in Boston and they have an insane price tag. One of the more affordable ones is like 180-90k including housing, so very close to the limit. I don't know if that's way too much to spend on PA school though. I'd love some advice! 

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6 hours ago, KthehopefulPA said:

I plan to live there after PA school regardless of where I go. I just think it'd be easier if I went to school there.

It would be easier, yes, but there are much more affordable programs that won't saddle you with debt and higher COL. Rotation sites are much more important when it comes to networking than where you sit for lectures so pick a school that has established, quality rotation sites and bonus points if they're in Boston and the school allows you to request that location.

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