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2023-2024 Cycle

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Attended an information session that LR held to answer questions regarding their accreditation. The key takeaways are as follows:

  • When anyone asked anything as to why they did not get accredited or if they had any insight as to when they would make another go of it all we received was the basic "no-comment/ we are not at liberty to discuss" answer. 
  • The cohort size will not change when they reapply
  • The location will not change when they reapply
  • You do not have to apply again if you have deferred your acceptance or waitlist position. Your application stands as is. 
  • When they were asked about the ARC-PA report they informed us that they voluntarily withdrew their bid for accreditation so there may not be a report from the ARC-PA at all.
  • The ARC-PA will dictate when they can apply for accreditation again at a future meeting to be held at an undetermined date. This sends mixed signals as the email states an anticipated start date of January 2026, which was not mentioned in the information session. When asked about a specific projected start date, they did not know. 
  • If you move from waitlist to accepted they will let you know
  • Updates on this are going to be found on their website or emailed to you


To conclude with some thoughts; I am more disheartened after this session than I was before. There was not much if any information that was gleaned from it. I understand the inability to explain their reasoning for withdrawing from consideration so soon after it happens. I would have liked to have seen an email that stated they were conducting an honest review of their shortcomings and pushed this information session off until they had definitive answers and a plan of action to share with their prospective students instead of holding what they did today with an inability to comment on the reason the information session is being held in the first place. These remain nice people who care about delivering a quality program to cultivate preeminent providers. This makes this situation a shame because there was a lot of talent in this cohort, and faculty of that I am certain.  There is nothing sadder in this world than wasted talent.

Edited by LordFrogmorton
Added two more points
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