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I know it's difficult to wait but you gotta keep in mind that they have alot of stuff on their plate especially when reviewing and selecting 90 students out of the 300, also the responsibilities of teaching, organizing and planning for the current 180 students that are enrolled into this program, I find it okay that they are taking this long they are also human who have many responsibilties to take into account 

Edited by Raiden805
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Hey everyone , congratulations to all those who got accepted this year. I just wanted to add that I wasn’t accepted until July 27th last year, I know the waiting feels brutal but you will get your answers at the right time . Stay encouraged!! ❤️

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21 hours ago, CCLStoPA said:

Yea there are several out of state people accepted, including some from Florida and New York. You don’t have to be California. 

Congratulations omg 🎉🎉 hopefully we all start hearing back soon!

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