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New AAPA logo

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Designing new logos seems to be part of lots of business practices. Never was sure why.

I live in Columbus, OH, home of Nationwide Insurance. They went from an eagle to the outline of a blue box, and after many years, back to an eagle again. 

Maybe AAPA leadership can tell us why they felt this was needed (or even beneficial).

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I don't care what the logo looks like. I am not supporting them with my membership dollars.

AAPA is doing nothing to protect our profession or keep us from getting eaten by the NP lobby.

I will not give them any money for membership until or unless they decide that our profession is worth saving.

I wonder what "consulting company" they paid 5 figures to for that logo redesign? Focus groups? Beta testing?

How much of that money could have gone to keeping our profession out of danger?

Just my opinion..................

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19 hours ago, Reality Check 2 said:

I don't care what the logo looks like. I am not supporting them with my membership dollars.

AAPA is doing nothing to protect our profession or keep us from getting eaten by the NP lobby.

I will not give them any money for membership until or unless they decide that our profession is worth saving.

I wonder what "consulting company" they paid 5 figures to for that logo redesign? Focus groups? Beta testing?

How much of that money could have gone to keeping our profession out of danger?

Just my opinion..................

Please stick with it.  
they are trying and honestly the HOD sunk us(we sunk ourselves)


if you are not a part of AAPA you are basically letting the profession die. 
only exception to this is if you are really active at a state level (but you still need to be part of AAPA to be on state board)


yes AAPA is not doing a great job but remember it has taken NP like 20 years to get to where they are.  We are at about year 5.  With a seemingly apathetic professional population where most PA just don’t seem to care.  

as for the new logo.  It is just what big companies do.  

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When they state independent practice is their goal I'll get back in. They screwed the pooch with title change and I have ZERO faith in the HOD. The same old people with the same old tired ideas and no vision. Zero sense of urgency but they can spend days and days working on whatever the social cause flavor of the week is.

If I give them my money I'm funding the demise of the profession. They can kill us off without my money.

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  • Administrator
6 hours ago, ventana said:

Maybe there n Ed’s to be a push to fill HOD seats with progressive thinking PA????

While the HOD is ridiculously large, there were a number of empty seats.  Next to me was a Florida empty seat... Sure enough, it's not that someone wasn't there, it's that they only have 8 people listed for 9 allotted seats:

So yeah, get involved, ask to be a delegate, fund your way, and vote.

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I agree, the new logo does look like we are "crossing ourselves out!"

Also don't like the new KIA logo either. 

AAPA HOD - agree that it is better to be at the table, but you remember the HOD passed the policy that everything is approved by the BOD anyway, so its key to vote in AAPA BOD elections. 

Time for a new logo, version 2!

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