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Flu vaccine

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tah731- I was asking because your posts read like you are quite young. Usually it is my very young friends on facebook who think they know it all, don't answer questions directly, fail to provide evidence for their points of view, and think that everything they read on the internet/see on the tv is true. Maybe you are just coming off that way because you've been backed into a wall here on this thread, but I am really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. If you are young (and not really a PA student or are in one of those straight out of high school, 5 year programs), I am a little less worried about your inability to have an intelligent debate on an important issue. If you are actually a PA student who already has a Masters degree, I am concerned about how you will be able to interact with future patients who disagree with you. FWIW, I do not like the ingredients that are in vaccines. However, I choose to be immunized because I am willing to take on a very small risk that I will be harmed by a vaccine in order to protect those patients who are at a very real (and potentially devastating) risk if they contract an illness from me.

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