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Ethical questions/Faith based institution

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I'm assuming you share a similar ethical mindset to this institution? Would be rather unfortunate to have to lie/hide who you are for the next 27 months.

See if you can research your specific institution's guidance on whatever controversial topic you're concerned might come up, many religious organizations have statements regarding abortion, birth control, gender identity etc.

Edit: Or just be honest.  Pretty much always the best bet.  If you don't get it, well, you wouldn't be a good fit for them or they for you.

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I went to a faith based institution connected to a faith based hospital system. I whole-heartedly disagreed/disagree with everything faith-based medicine, even though most of it is administrative, monetary, marketing, etc. That being said, most of them are pretty accepting of all backgrounds including nonbelievers. And they typically do not discuss controversial topics such as mentioned above for obvious reasons. I would go into the interview very open minded and excited to experience the institution, even if you’re not. There are many roles religion can play in the care for those who are religious so I’d definitely become familiar with that concept for your interview (very broad topic). Medimike is right, it is tough to hide who you are, assuming you have reservations, for 27 months. I can tell you, I hid my beliefs ie lack thereof, for a while-but eventually everyone will know and accept you for who you are. At that point you just have to more or less tolerate the praying before exams, religious pictures in the hospital, some of the more extreme aspects of which I will not go into here. Get in, get your PA-C, move on. 

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To set the stage, I'm Jewish and I teach at a Catholic institution. Here is my perspective with a sample size of just one religious university with a PA program:

We have a larger student service commitment (care for the underserved) than the nonreligious PA program I attended but otherwise I see no significant difference in how we either select or train our students. More Catholic students tend to gravitate here because they went to parochial high schools and universities, but that's about it. There are many students of other religious (or nonreligious) backgrounds too.  We have both straight and gay students.

Not surprisingly, it's place that tries to honor the spiritual and (mostly) treats its staff well. When I went through chemo several years ago, I could not have asked for a more supportive place to work. Everyone from the university president on down knew what was going on and kept tabs on me (I came in and worked whenever I could).

Not a perfect place but the best place I've worked in a career that now goes back more than 50 years.

Where you are applying may be different -- I have no way of knowing. I hope it's like where I work.

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