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2020-2021 Augsburg Application Cycle

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10 hours ago, BlondeBritt said:


what do we do just wait? I know it says the interviews go from September through November but there are at least 10 people who got accepted already and some on the alternate list? 

I think that’s all we can do, wait and hope for the best! Not hearing anything is better than a rejection I’m assuming. Guess we’ll see what happens. 

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9 hours ago, Intastudying said:

I got a rejection letter yesterday. I’m a little sad not gonna lie. But I had an interview at a different school yesterday, I’m feeling hopeful.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Keep your head up! To have gotten interviews is a huge accomplishment in itself. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
41 minutes ago, PAene said:

just received one for the 10th!  wonder if anyone knows if this will be for waitlist or if there are still seats open? Good luck to everyone 🙂

They are still interviewing and there are still spots available. I’m on the waitlist for the first round of interviews. Not sure when they’ll make final decisions. 

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On 11/5/2020 at 6:56 PM, pana1030 said:

They are still interviewing and there are still spots available. I’m on the waitlist for the first round of interviews. Not sure when they’ll make final decisions. 

I just gave up my seat (had another offer closer to home!) so hopefully someone will hear something very soon. Best of luck to all of you! 🙂 

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