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Shadowing dress code

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Hey everyone,


So I have found a hospitalist PA that seems willing to let me shadow her for an extended period of time. Since it's a hospital setting, should I wear scrubs (if yes, color?)? Or just dress professionally? Should I ask her what is the appropriate way to dress or is that weird?



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It's not weird to ask, though it may backfire. For instance, one person I asked about dress code said, "Dress code is casual. Wear comfortable shoes as we will be walking a lot." Now, I was very tired that night, and I had no idea what sort of practice this was, so I interpreted that as it was okay to wear jeans. Not true. Despite saying casual, she meant business casual.


Business casual is always a safe bet. If you don't want to ask, I would say it's safe to show up in business casual the first day to get a feel for it. I always keep a set of scrubs in my car, though, just in case that better suits the situation.

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I wore dress slacks with flats since I knew I'd be on my feet the whole time. I shadowed MDs in a clinical setting (rather than PAs since I'd shadowed them while working) and they all wore professional attire, not scrubs.


I'm sure you're well aware, but make sure to send a thank you card. She is doing you a favor.

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When I shadowed in the hospital I wore scrubs and asked if there were any colors I should avoid or dress in. I was told at one hospital to not wear doctor blue at one hospital, the other hospital not to wear green. Each hospital is different. Some are color coded based on departments, others let you wear what ever color scrubs you want. Point is ask.


If shadowing at a clinic or an office dress in professional attire. I wore a shirt and tie when I was not in a hospital.


Remember we are shadowing and want to blend in as such while wearing attire not to stand out.

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I'm sure you're well aware, but make sure to send a thank you card. She is doing you a favor.

Thank you for the good advice :D I do know that, but it's a nice reminder when I'm so excited :)



Agree with all of the above about asking. You can always show up business casual, and have a pair of neutral colored scrubs with you just in case.

Very good idea, thanks :)


They might be wierded out if you show up decked out in scrubs. Be sure to ask ahead of time.

That's what I was thinking :xD:


I might need to go shopping as most of my pants are...older. I'm really short, so it can be hard to find dress slacks that look professional and don't have glitter flowers or bedazzling.... I have plenty of button up shirts though, so at least that's good. :)


I'll make sure to ask her ahead of time.

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You might want to ask about bringing student (short) white coat if you have one. One hospital PA I shadowed told me to wear one if I had it, and when shadowing in a clinic with a different PA she had me wear an extra white coat that was around. It was long, which felt so weird :) Anyone else bring a coat?

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I'm sure every hospital is different... IMO, don't show up in scrubs unless you're told that's what you should wear. It seems awfully... something to me. Business casual is almost always appropriate. I agree you shouldn't be sticking out like a sore thumb, but disagree that this means you must blend seamlessly. You should look professional, no matter what your provider is wearing.

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I'd agree. Business casual. Then you can ask if you are going to shadow again.

Is BC appropriate? It's what I always worn. & IMO the Safest bet. Comfortable shoes are a must!

If hospital PA works 12 hr shift, u might wanna stay the whole time.


Ask if you can come for another shift, esp. if you like it. Maybe next time nights or weekend shift as pts will be different than during the day; esp if they cover the ER.


Another tip, when ur done with that PA & getting along; ask if they know of another PA that may let you shadow; perhaps in a different field of medicine. (works only in office setting or ER, etc). can b a nice way to get other shadowing experience & perhaps a reference for future use!?...


I'd say no on the coat. U r not a PA student, but again you can ask; if you have one. If not I wouldn't buy 1. PA school will require it or have them in the bookstore.


Best of Luck :smile:

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