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Misdemeanor... Is there a case like mine? NYS

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I am looking to apply for PA school in New York.

To keep it short, I was arrested for a possession of 1.2 grams in the state of NJ (which is still illegal), I was incarcerated and released (2015). i was charged with felonies because of the container the weed was in weighed about 5 lbs. After all is said and done and lab results came back, it was 1.2 grams. I am in the process of expunging and finishing my bachelor's for BSN. It has been 4 years and I will not apply for PA school for another 3, making a total of 7 years since my situation. I have been rehabilitated, completed probation and stayed out of trouble since then. 

Do I stand a good chance at making it into a PA school in New York? Will there be any issues with licensing?
I am an average 3.3 GPA student, currently working as a dental assistant. I will be going for my EMT certification soon and picking up shifts. My ultimate goal is to become an EM PA. I'm having major concerns that this issue will continue to rise up. 

Has anyone heard of a similar situation such as mine and know someone who made it into PA school and eventually got licensed? 

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I'm more curious about carrying 1.2gm of weed in a 5 pound container, and then the prosecutor still pursuing the felony when it's obvious that the weed wasn't 5 pounds.. And then the conviction for the felony weight..

Did you represent yourself?  Was your attorney drunk?  Was the container also made out of weed?


or is there more to the story..


To be honest, I'd be shocked if your EMT certification went through with the felony drug conviction, but I can't speak for PA school admissions/licensing. 



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