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Where do I go next?

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Hello! I am starting to think about what I’m going to do for the next application cycle, as things are not looking good for me this cycle. I applied to 8 schools, rejected from 3, waitlisted at one, and silence from the other 4 (one is nonrolling). I applied mid-July.

My cGPA is a 3.4 (from a prestigious school, which I have heard doesn’t really count for much). My sGPA is a 3.2. I figure that is my biggest flaw. My plans are to take classes at a CC to save on costs — should I retake some courses I got C’s in, like CHEM101, or should I take organic 2 for the first time and start biochem? 

My next question is about my PCE— I have 4000 — maybe closer to 5000 — hours working as a CNA at an inpatient pediatrics unit. I have been considering starting part time there and working as a scribe somewhere else to build relationships with providers. Would that be a good move? I have also been considering doing some volunteer work, as I do not have a whole lot of hours in that department. If I do volunteer, should I try to find something where I am doing vitals or something like that? An organization locally decorates bone marrow patients’ rooms and I am kind of interested in helping in that capacity.


Let me know what you think! 

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Sorry to hear about your situation. Taking new classes/retaking lasses wont raise your GPA much within 1 yr. You'll need at least a few years to raise it significantly. Also keep in mind some universities pay attention more to the last 40-60 credit hours. Taking classes that you've never taken can benefit here. So i suggest starting and getting good marks in upper division sciences like O-chem (1&2), Bio Chem, Pathophysiology etc. etc..
Also next time around try applying to programs that have a 2.75 minimum. Make sure you have a strong personal statement, REALLY GOOD LORs, and thought out answers to the university specific questions on CASPA.


Wish you the best.

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