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Patient Care Experience-Does Public Health Count? Looking for advice/Adding Experiences to CASPA After Submission

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Hi All!

I am a graduate student in public health and have worked with providers to inform patient care plans as well as screen patients for adverse childhood experiences, resiliency, quality of life, etc... I have not been an EMT, CNA, Aid, or other roles that are usually seen with direct patient care experience for PA schools. I have already submitted my application, but after attending an information session I am nervous that schools will not count my public health hours as patient care (I made the mistake of listing them as health care experience and not patient care experience). Does anyone have any thoughts on this process? I have already reached out to one school directly and added the experiences as patient care experience in CASPA (it lets you do this even after submission, but I do not know what happens next). I do have a lot of healthcare experience and research experience. Have anyone else added experiences after they submitted? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to private message if that is better for you. Thanks so much! I really appreciate any support with this!

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I will not address the counting public health hours, however I will comment on After CASPA.  Last year I updated CAPSA with pertinent information after it was verified.  CASPA will accept the information, however if you submit to schools after your update, CAPSA will only send your initial verified application (no updates) to the schools.  The schools will have to first realize that there is an updated version and then go and pull the application from CASPA portal. 

I missed out on a lot of opportunities last year due to what I thought was an updated application at the schools.   Just wanted to let you know that schools may not go that extra step to ensure your application is the latest version.   Didn't want you to get a false sense that the update is in front of the admin committee.

May not be what you want to hear, however be aware that if you think the update is getting to the schools, think again.

Good Luck!

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