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Patient Care Hours Question

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Hi everyone!


This is my first post in this forum. So glad I found it! Anyways, I am currently applying to PA programs, and I have a question regarding my patient care experience. I work as a medical technician at a nursing home. Up until this point, I have about 800 hours. However, some of the schools I am applying to require 1000+ hours. I will easily get these hours done by the end of the summer. Should I put my "end date" on the CASPA as (ex) August 31st, 2019? That way, I can approximate the amount of hours I work a week to put myself over 1000 (and so the schools won't immediately throw out my application)!

I have a 4.0 major GPA (Biology) and 3.96 overall GPA, 50+ hours shadowing a PA, 100+ volunteer hours, and scored above the 60th percentile on all sections of my GRE. Do you think this bare minimum of hours will hurt my chances into getting into PA programs? Right now, I am planning on applying to DeSales, Arcadia, Chatham, and Yale (as well as a few others).



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You will have to look up what each school will allow for hours. All of the ones I applied to will not allow a projection of hours, just what I had at the time of submission. CASPA may have rules on this also, I don’t remember specifically. That being said, I know of a few people who did not meet programs requirements, but were admitted anyways.

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