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Rocky Vista (CO) ALTERNATE LIST (Class entering Fall 2019)

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1 hour ago, NicoleB92 said:

Does anyone have any idea how long the list is? Or if we can find out where we stand?!

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Just emailed RVU's adcom last night asking those exact questions, so hopefully I'll receive a response shortly. I'll keep you guys updated! I know depending on the program, they may or may not tell you how many are on the list/what number you are.

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Thanks for doing that. It will be helpful to know especially for those of us who need to consider other offers as well.

Just emailed RVU's adcom last night asking those exact questions, so hopefully I'll receive a response shortly. I'll keep you guys updated! I know depending on the program, they may or may not tell you how many are on the list/what number you are.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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Just received an email from RVU's admissions coordinator, Sandy, which states, "Congratulations on being put on the alternate list. We are not able to provide any specific information about placement on the alternate list or numbers. It is also a very fluid list, subject to change at any time." Sorry that that doesn't give us a ton of information, guys.

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