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Academic Infraction And Past College on CASPA

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Really quick just to be sure I'm doing this correctly: 

My sophomore year, I received a 1.88 semester GPA but kept my cumulative above a 2.0 (a 2.67), which is "academic warning." Here is my university policy.

  • Continued enrollment at Virginia Tech is a privilege that is granted as long as the student is making satisfactory progress toward a degree, maintenance of the required minimum Grade Point Average (GPA), and compliance with all regulations stipulated in the University Policies on Student Life.
  • The minimum standard for good standing is eligibility to enroll. The required minimum grade point average is 2.00. Students on academic probation and warning are eligible for continued enrollment and good standing (absent any violations of regulations stipulated in the University Policies on Student Life).
  • Academic Warning: Students earning less than a 2.0 term GPA, but with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, will be placed on academic warning without notation on the academic transcript. Students on academic warning will be required to consult with the appropriate undergraduate assistant or associate dean of their college and to sign an academic contract. Failure to complete an action plan (academic contract) may result in prohibition from future enrollment(s).

I was going to list it as "yes" just to play it safe on my application. Right? 

Also, I enrolled in a post-bacc program but left the program a month in due to health-reasons. Do I have to include it on my application? I never took any of the classes/have transcripts so I'm not even really sure what I would put.

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So it looks like you fall under the third bullet point? Warning but not noted on your transcript?

Sorry, I don't remember if how the question is worded in CASPA or supplementals, but my thought would be if there is no record of it then you don't need to state it. Sort of like if you get pulled over but aren't given a ticket or a written warning. If you have the wording of the question in CASPA or the supplementals that might help clarify it.

Ass for the post bacc, if you withdrew before you would have received a W on the transcript, and as such no transcript exists, then I think you're safe to omit it.

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2 hours ago, Anachronist said:

So it looks like you fall under the third bullet point? Warning but not noted on your transcript?

Sorry, I don't remember if how the question is worded in CASPA or supplementals, but my thought would be if there is no record of it then you don't need to state it. Sort of like if you get pulled over but aren't given a ticket or a written warning. If you have the wording of the question in CASPA or the supplementals that might help clarify it.

Ass for the post bacc, if you withdrew before you would have received a W on the transcript, and as such no transcript exists, then I think you're safe to omit it.

Thanks for the help. I'm so iffy on whether or not to leave the academic thing... CASPA states: "Have you ever been disciplined by any college, university, or professional school for: (1) unacceptable academic performance (academic probation, suspension, dismissal, etc.) or (2) conduct violations?"

If you hit "yes," it prompts this: "If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, you must provide an explanation. Include 1) a brief description of the incident and/or arrest, 2) specific charge made, 3) related dates, 4) consequence, and 5) a reflection on the incident and how the incident has impacted your life."

Aside from meeting with my advisor just to talk and make sure I wasn't going to fall into the same issue, there were no "consequences." Thoughts?

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Ahh ok, yeah that is vague "discipline" isn't defined, so I would be inclined to include it for safety as you mentioned. In the explanation I would just say something along the lines of what you did in the initial post and note that it was a warning not noted on your transcript, you talked with your advisor, and remedied the problem. 

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