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I was wondering if anyone accepted into this program could share or message their application stats (gpa, HCE...), I want to know whether, if I were to apply in a later cycle I could be considered a competitive applicant. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your time, I appreciate it a lot!


P.S. I'll put my stats here if ya want to comment on my chances of acceptance: cGPA 3.7, sGPA 3.5, Dean's List 7/8 semesters (currently in my last semester), about 100 hours volunteering for my school's EMS. I don't have a lot of Patient care hours but I am hoping to take a gap year and work on that. I also hope to retake the GRE to improve my score as well. Again, thanks so much!

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You will likely get an interview if your GRE is above 300. Please try to understand that no one can truly give you a clear idea of IF you will get accepted. You don't know who you are up against for seats. Just be yourself and let your awesomeness shine through and it will happen. I beat out people with far better statistics than myself, but they saw something in me. The best advice is apply early, apply broadly. Good luck!

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On 5/8/2018 at 9:50 PM, Jdabrowski said:

You will likely get an interview if your GRE is above 300. Please try to understand that no one can truly give you a clear idea of IF you will get accepted. You don't know who you are up against for seats. Just be yourself and let your awesomeness shine through and it will happen. I beat out people with far better statistics than myself, but they saw something in me. The best advice is apply early, apply broadly. Good luck!


I was wondering where you got that information?

My GPA is low but my GRE score is above a 320 so I was wondering if your GRE statement was from a reliable source.

Thank you! 

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On 6/12/2019 at 12:31 PM, ceg963 said:


I was wondering where you got that information?

My GPA is low but my GRE score is above a 320 so I was wondering if your GRE statement was from a reliable source.

Thank you! 

Yep. the GRE is a weed out method for schools. They honestly don't give a crap as long as it is above a certain point. I talked to the admissions committees when I was applying 3 years ago and currently I am finishing my 1st year as a highly successful student if that gives some perspective. 

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