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Pre-reqs from community college

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I was wondering if anyone knew if most PA schools viewed community college credits less favorable than 4 year university credits for the pre-reqs. I just completed the pre-med pre-reqs and have recently decided to pursue

PA. That being said, most of my pre-med credits are from a 4 year university  (chem,orgo,biochem,bio,phys, ect.).I was just wondering if switching to a community college would hinder my application in anyway.


I already tried emailing a few of the programs I was interested in, most of the answers being very generic about not being able to advise on where classes should be taken. I just wanted to hear your opinions. Thank you for your time!

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* A few programs prefer classes at 4-year universities.

* A few programs prefer in-person to online classes.

* Most don't care about either of the above.


So yes, switching to a community college *MIGHT* hinder your application, but not likely enough to matter, since you've already gotten a lot of solid prerequisites done at a 4-year university.  What it definitely WILL do is save you money, and it might also give you better learning with more teaching-oriented faculty and lower class sizes.

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I took A&P I and II (and physics which is a prereq for a few schools) at my local community college during my senior year. My university only offered an anatomy and physiology course that combined both 1 and 2 all in one semester, but only 4 credit hours. With most schools requiring a strict 8 credit Hour collection of A&P, I chose to take them separately at a community college level (so much cheaper)


I applied to many schools and I was never once questioned about the work I did at these courses. I got interviewed by many prestigious programs like Cornell, Yale, and Duke and still got into my top pick.

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I got my Bachelors at a university and then went to community college for all my pre-reqs (A&P 1/2, micro bio, chem 1, chem 2, org chem, and lots of others). I was recently accept to a PA program so can't see why any community college pre-reqs would hinder anyone unless the program specifically stated they did not want comm. college credits. Good luck.


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I got my Bachelors at a university and then went to community college for all my pre-reqs (A&P 1/2, micro bio, chem 1, chem 2, org chem, and lots of others). I was recently accept to a PA program so can't see why any community college pre-reqs would hinder anyone unless the program specifically stated they did not want comm. college credits. Good luck.

ok thank you!...I know when I was going the premed route most schools told me that it may look like I was taking the prereqs at an easier institution to boost your GPA. So it is nice to know that most PA schools aren't that picky. Thank you for your response. 

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I agree with the other responses--I got a degree from a 4 year university and took some sciences there. I then took most of my prerequisites at a local community college and saved a bunch of money. I was told by 1 PA program I applied to that they look down on that which I then in turn thought less of that school (the classes I took at the community college were just as difficult as a 4 year and taught by great professors). I ended up getting interview invites and acceptances to multiple schools including a couple of top programs like GW and Drexel.

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