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Hi everyone this is my first post so I apologize if it is not presented in the "usual" way. I know various forums have a certain decorum expected when posting things. Anyway, I came upon this site today and have been looking for an answer to a question regarding a class I'm taking right now. At the beginning of the semester I signed up for trig. A lot of the schools I've seen require at least Algebra and/or stats, but maybe these are just the programs I've seen and not the norm. I haven't been doing particularly well in it, although not terrible either. I'm wondering if I should continue since it isn't required by many of the programs I've seen and possibly get a lower grade (anything less than an A, most likely B) or just withdraw from it since I had the As in Algebra and stats. Any thoughts? I only have my science classes left and don't plan on getting our of any of those since I absolutely have to take them anyway (I already have a BS, hence the science and math focus). Thanks for any opinions. BTW, this looks like a great site, glad I found it!

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I am currently in PA school. I only had algebra and statistics and got accepted my first go-around (I only applied to one school). It is kind of a double edged sword. First, you do want the highest GPA possible when applying, so you don't want a lower grade on your transcript. The other side of the sword was when I took Chem II and Organic chem I can't tell you how many times the professor would be working out a problem on the board and get to a point and say, "and from here it is simple trigonometry...", or "and using simple calculus you can see the answer is..." If I would have had a clue what a log or inverse log was, etc... those classes would have been easier for me, and I had to teach myself some limited trig and calculus to get through them. However, I did get through them with good grades, it was just harder for me. So far in PA school we have not needed any trig for anything. It is a judgement call that you will have to make. I didn't take trig, but if I had a time machine I would have taken it prior to chem II and organic chem.

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Some of the factor to being accepted by PA schools also depend on your previous health care experience, life experiences, and ability to write a decent essay. Toss in the ability to interview well and it almost seems easy


Myself, and several of my classmates got into the one and only school they applied to on the first round with a sGPA of 3.0 and an overall GPA of not much more. We also did it without Chem I, Chem II, or Ochem...or even a bachelor's degree for that matter.


Pick your poison. Many other factors to consider when stacking up your application. Depends on your school...and no, I'm not attending some fly by night operation with a shady reputation



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