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Earthquake in Nepal

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Things are a little crazy right now and we don't know how things come together.  I've been in contract this morning with my friends at Himalayan Healthcare, who are in Katmandu. While the leader and is family are okay, they have turned their house into a makeshift ER.  One of the team leaders was near the epicenter and has been seriously injured. They are trying to get a helicopter to him as it is life threatening, but finding a helicopter right now is difficult.


To your question, I took a PA student with me with Himalayan Health Care five six years ago.  I am trying to connect them with NYC-Medics. They will probably be open to a PA student especially with CMT.

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Mike, I'd urge you to stay and send (as in, financially support someone else to go), rather than go and lose your practice.  You've fought long and hard to get where you are, and you're an inspiration to those of us here in the Pacific Northwest.  Let us know what you can contribute financially, and I'm willing to bet we can match donations or something so you can stay in practice, but know you're still contributing.

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The type of earthquake (shallow) the magnitude and having worked there I can testify about the buildings (tall and brick without much reinforcement or mortar-less stone), plus the density of population, surely the death toll will surpass 40,000 but I hope I'm wrong.

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Sad to hear that someone who was a PA lost her life at the Everest base camp.. I am sure Empact Northwest will be sending a team. They are based out of Washington state if anyone thinks they might want to help.

where did you hear/see this?

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Well, she's been posthumously promoted to 'Doctor' in other media reports:




It'd be nice if they actually got her title correct, although the company website linked earlier above does list her both as an 's assistant and as a base camp doctor, so it's hard to really fault the news media for getting it wrong, but where I come from, getting the facts right is part of being respectful for the dead....

Not the kind of publicity for PAs that any of us would have wanted, though.

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UK based media has called her a "medic" as well. 


I do agree that whats more important here is the fact that thousands of people died across the whole region. Unfortunately, likely one of the most well-trained providers for that specific environment and exact scenario was killed in the immediate aftermath. Who knows what sort of positive difference she could have made had she not lost her life. I have seen multiple reports of there not being enough medical staff, both on Everest and the rest of the area. 



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I was confused because the local media (and now CNN) are calling her doctor.


The first team from NYC-Medics will be leaving May 1st.  If your are interested in going please contact me.  I got bumped from the first team because I'm part of the International Headache Congress, that meets in Spain on May 9th and I can't really miss that. But I'm asking if I can go today.

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I was confused because the local media (and now CNN) are calling her doctor.


The first team from NYC-Medics will be leaving May 1st.  If your are interested in going please contact me.  I got bumped from the first team because I'm part of the International Headache Congress, that meets in Spain on May 9th and I can't really miss that. But I'm asking if I can go today.

they meet in nyc on the 30th and fly out 5/1. I'm going.

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